Meet Will, Founder and Director of High-End Form

Will, the driving force behind High-End Form, is a dedicated family man known for his unwavering work ethic and commitment to exceeding expectations. With a background as a highly skilled formwork carpenter in both commercial and residential concrete construction, Will has turned his long-held dream of High-End Form into a passion-fueled reality.

Recognized for his meticulous attention to detail and commitment to quality craftsmanship, Will approaches each project with a steadfast determination to get it right the first time, adhering to traditional values while aiming to create a lasting impact with his work. Colleagues and clients alike often describe him as the kindest and hardest-working individual they have encountered.

When he's not pursuing excellence in formwork, you can find Will catching waves while surfing or spending time with his family, balancing his professional drive with a deep appreciation for life outside work.